Christian Spirituality
TheArt of Spiritual Direction
Cambridgeshire Courses in Spiritual Direction
Art of Spiritual Direction
This, our main course is usually run in two yearly cycles.
The 2024-26 course is full and the next course will be starting in 2026.
Next Courses
Annual Development Day
CPD for alumni 7 friends
Saturday 30th November 2024
Ageing well with wisdom & understanding when
accompanying others
CCSD (Cambridgeshire Courses in Spiritual Direction) is an independent organisation. It was set up in 2002, to inform and train participants in Christian Spirituality and the Art of Spiritual Direction.
CCSD offers a range of training courses and events that is accessible locally but drawing in a range of local and national tutors and speakers.
We teach the art of spiritual direction, and support existing spiritual directors. Our hope is to encourage and develop a a good number of trained, experienced people who can offer spiritual accompaniment to the increasing number of Christians who seek it.
Our Flagship Course
The Art of Spiritual Direction
The next course is planned to be offered from September 2026 - May 2028
To express an interest please contact
PrayingThe Spiritual Exercises
Praying the Spiritual Exercises is open to anyone interested in deepening their prayer relationship with God and willing to commit to sharing confidentially in a small group over the full 8-month period. Benefits of praying the Exercises in this way include: developing reflective prayerful practice in daily life; sharing the journey, encouraged by God's grace and learning from each other; some facilitated peer group direction.
Currently running until May 2024